Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
Library and Information Science Program
School of Information Science and Technology
Student Chapter American Library Association
Article I
The Official name of this organization shall be the Student Chapter American Library Association at Drexel University.
Article II
The Purposes of this Organization are:
A. To facilitate and encourage participation in the American Library Association (ALA).
B. To increase the awareness and use of resources of the ALA, including publications, promotional materials, scholarships, and conferences.
C. To provide a local forum for the exchange of ideas and information about trends, issues, and opportunities in the profession.
D. To develop skills and relationships that will enable students to have a creative impact on the profession.
E. To promote involvement in professional activities.
F. To increase awareness of the national issues on Library and Information Science.
Article III
All members of this organization shall be:
Membership Requirements
A. Currently enrolled in the Library and Information Science Program at Drexel University.
B. Members in good standing in the American Library Association.
Article IV
A. The Chapter shall hold a general membership meeting at the beginning of each academic term (Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer) and other Meetings scheduled during the term as agreed upon by the members.
B. Activities and Programs will be planned in accordance with the purpose set forth in Article II.
Article V
A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.
B. The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers and the Faculty Advisor as Member Ex-Officio.
C. The Officers shall have the following responsibilities:
1. Chair:
a. Shall head the Executive Board and have the ultimate responsibility for the functioning of the organization and its relationship with ALA Headquarters.
b. Shall convene and conduct the General Membership Meeting and have the primary responsibility for membership recruitment.
c. Shall be responsible for planning and coordinating chapter activities in cooperation with the Executive Board and the general membership.
d. Shall be the ALA Information Coordinator, with the primary responsibility for collecting and disseminating information received from ALA Headquarters.
2. Vice-Chair:
a. Shall assume the duties of the President in the latter's absence and shall assume the office of the President should it become vacant during the stated term of office.
b. Shall assist the President with the duties of the executive office.
c. Shall be responsible for the planning and coordination of organization activities that relate to the ALA Midwinter Meeting and the ALA Annual Conference, and to form committees as needed.
d. Shall be responsible for the relationship between Drexel University and the Chapter.
3. Secretary/Treasurer:
a. Shall be responsible for initiating and coordinating fund raising functions and shall have primary responsibility over the organization's finances.
b. Shall have record keeping duties and shall keep minutes and records of the organization's meetings and functions.
c. Shall maintain the ALA Student Chapter file and make previous meeting's minutes available to members.
d. Provide copies of the current constitution and make new members aware of its existence.
Article VI
A. Elections and Terms of Office
1. All members of the Chapter are entitled to vote for the Officers of the organization.
2. The Executive Board shall coordinate nominations of officers at the end of the Spring term.
3. Elections shall take place by ballot at the final meeting of the Spring term. Judgment of adequate representation shall be at the discretion of the Faculty Advisor.
B. Terms of Office
1. Terms for all officers shall be for one calendar year, beginning with the Fall term.
2. In the event of a vacancy prior to the expiration of a term of office, the Executive Board shall name an interim officer to serve until the next election.
3. Should an officer can not or is not performing the duties of his/her office, the remaining members of the Executive Board shall meet with the officer in question about the Boards concerns. If no resolution comes from the aforementioned meeting the remaining members of the board may vote on removal of the officer in question. The vote must be unanimous to remove an officer. Any vacancy on the Board due to removal of an officer is to be handled under the provision in Article VI;B;2.
Article VII
All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided in accordance with the forms laid down in the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
Article VIII
Committees shall be appointed as necessary by the Executive Board.
All questions of parliamentary procedure shall be decided in accordance with the forms laid down in the most current edition of Roberts Rules of Order.
Article IX
Articles added to this Constitution may be introduced by any member at any meeting or by petition to the Executive Board.
Article X
Ratification of this Constitution shall be determined by a vote at the next General Membership Meeting of the Chapter. All members of the Executive Board must be present at this meeting. This constitution will be reviewed by the Executive Board annually.