Monday, August 30, 2010

Please complete the ALA student chapter survey

The 2010 ALA Student Chapters Survey is now available.
By completing this 20-minute survey, you will provide ALA with invaluable information that no doubt will result in your having a greater ALA Student Chapter experience. We hope this information will help us, as well as other student chapters, build better networks and activities for our members.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Get involved in SCALA — online!

Greetings to the iSchool’s online students! Looking to get involved in SCALA from where you live? You can!

You’re already on our blog. Other ways to get involved from afar are to follow us on Twitter (@DrexelScala) and join our Google group ( and Facebook group. As a bit of a housekeeping matter, filling out our membership form (using the link at the top of the blog), if you haven't already, also helps us keep interested students in the know.

While our most recent meeting wasn’t simulcast online, our events this fall will be. These include discussions about banned books and alternative career options, as well as a talk about best practices for résumés. We're really excited for these events, and we want everyone to be able to take part.
Being on campus, it’s hard for us to know what works best for those of you who are not. So we’re handing the conversation to you: How can we help online students be involved? Are you interested in participating in events as they happen? Online discussions afterward? Having recordings to watch in your own free time? What about downloadable podcasts?

Leave a comment here with your ideas. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Awful Library Books

In need of a good laugh? Check out Awful Library Books, a blog that displays some of the most awful library books found in a Michigan public library's collection. Talk about the need to weed!